Our Affiliate Program allows you to earn commissions when you post our links to your site. Partnering with us means partnering with one of the most trusted and recognized brands in personal care, found in major retailers like Whole Foods, Sprouts, The Vitamin Shoppe, and natural grocers all over the U.S. Our fans are loyal to us because we’re loyal to them, providing them with products with a conscience.
We’ve teamed up with Commission Junction to provide our affiliates with trusted third-party tracking, real-time reporting and monthly commission checks.
As a Desert Essence affiliate, you’ll enjoy:
- Commission rates starting at 10%
- 30-day referral period
- Promo codes
- Professional and consistently updated assortment of creative banners and text links
- Dedicated Affiliate Manager to answer all your questions
Registration is easy and free. Sign up now to become a Desert Essence affiliate.