Did you know that January is Mental Wellness Month? Celebrate a mindful start to the year with much-deserved rest and rejuvenation. While you should prioritize your self-care every month, the beginning of the year is a great time to set concrete goals for your well-being. If you're looking for thoughtful ways to boost your wellness routine with extra tender loving care, check out our self-care tips ahead. 

Take Time to Meditate 

Activities such as meditation and yoga can help you feel centered and calm. To ease fatigue and invigorate your senses when meditating, incorporate an essential oil like Desert Essence Mood Lifter Organic Essential Oil into your sessions. Simply add three to six drops of oil into an aromatherapy diffuser. You can also rub the oil onto your wrists or temples after diluting three to four drops with an ounce of a carrier oil like jojoba oil

Practice Proper Sleep Hygiene 

Unsurprisingly, how well you sleep can impact how you feel throughout the day. Practicing proper sleep hygiene, i.e. proper sleeping habits, will leave you feeling recalibrated and rested. If you want to improve your sleep habits, there are little things that you can do to get a rejuvenating slumber. Other than setting a consistent sleep schedule, create a bedtime ritual and environment that makes it easier to hit the hay. Try relaxing activities such as reading, journaling, or stretching before sleeping. Whether you rub them on your skin or use them in a diffuser, aromatherapy oils can help you set the mood for catching some zzz’s. Desert Essence Dream Weaver Organic Essential Oil, for example, eases tension and promotes tranquility courtesy of botanicals such as lavender and bergamot. Plus, you can rest assured (see what we did there?) that all Desert Essence aromatherapy oils are certified organic and formulated to help you feel your best. 

Prioritize Time With Loved Ones 

While you might be determined to knock out your ambitious New Year's resolutions, don't skip quality time with your loved ones as you strive toward your goals. Besides reducing loneliness, hanging out with friends and family can help you feel valued and supported. It's not even necessary to plan a big event or day out. You can enjoy simple pleasures such as an at-home spa day together — light your favorite candle, soak your feet and pamper yourself with treatments like Desert Essence Cucumber Charcoal Face Mask

Establish Routines — Even With Dental Care

Daily routines will allow you to manage your time and feel in control when life gets stressful. One ritual you can easily incorporate into your schedule is an oral care routine, which is more linked to your state of mind than you might think. Neglecting your oral care can affect your self-image, so it may impact how you feel about yourself. On the other way around, your feelings can affect your dental habits, as fatigue and worry can lead to putting off brushing and flossing. 


To reap the benefits of establishing a routine and maintaining a sparkling smile, boost your dental care nighttime ritual. The basics include flossing with dental floss or tape, brushing with toothpaste, and gargling with mouthwash — for extra care, you can also add brushing rinse and oil pull. 

Get Plenty of Sunshine 

Stepping out to get sunshine is one of the easiest ways to show yourself love. Other than supplying you with vitamin D, sunlight can boost your mood. Whenever the weather allows for it, catch some rays, whether you head to the beach or walk around the block. Because winter weather can be a bit harsh, give your face a little love before heading outside. Before applying your SPF, nourish your skin with an antioxidant-rich, hydrating formula like Desert Essence Revitalizing Oils Facial Moisturizer

To give your mind and body the love they deserve, invigorate your routine with nourishing, botanically-powered Desert Essence personal care.